The global bird watching weekend October 2021

The second annual competition of the global bird watching activity of 2021 was participated on 9th/Oct to 11th /Oct. This epic and astonishing activity unites the world’s most popular birders to tick the checklists of all birds around there destinations just to update of how the conservation gear really is.

Who represented Uganda?

Team Uganda was represented with many bird watching teams with different destinations of the pearl and Uganda being one of the most popular bird watching destination in the world, with almost half of Africa’s bird species from the Albertine rift endemics to the forest dwellers and down through to the rare Shoebill stork.

EBS Tours and safaris representative

Ebs Tours & Safaris  was represented by Shafic Buyondo who joined the team of other nature conservationists and wildlife guides to search for special bird species of Lutembe Bay.

On 9th/Oct/2021 and just as you could imagine how special Lutembe is, it really never disappoints when it comes to birds, from residents to Pale-arctic winter visitors and this unique destination rewarded us with more than 120 bird species just in a single day.

Here are some of the species we ticked:

1.Meyers parrot

2.Grey Eastern plantain eaters

3.African thrush

4.Common bulbul

5.Red eyed dove

6.Red billed fire finch

7.Red cheeked cordon bleu

8.African Yellow white eye

9.Green headed sunbird

10.Scarlet chested sunbird

11.Marico sunbird

12.African grey parrot

13.Double toothed barbet

14.Hadada ibis

15.African goshawk

16.Speckled mouse bird

17.Village weaver

18.Nubian wood pecker (dots on the belly)

19.Red headed love bird

20.Northern black flycatcher

21.Golden backed weaver

22.Northern puff back

23.Copper sunbird

24.Viollett’s weaver

25.Grey crowned cranes

26.Winding cisticola

27.Black and white manikins

28.Black headed weaver

29.Bronze manikins

30.Black headed gonolek

31.Long crested eagle

32.Little egret

33.Red chested sunbird

34.Black headed heron

35.Grey backed fiscal

36.White throated bee eater

37.Great blue turaco

38.Pin tailed whydah

39.Sooty chat

40.African fish eagle

41.Marabou stork

42.Little bee eater

43.Spur wing lapwing

44.Grey back warbler

45.Rüpels starling

46.Rufous napped lark

47.Yellow throated greenbul

48.Yellow throated long claw

49.Plain backed pipit

50.African palm swift

51.Barn swallow

52.Fawn waxbill

53.Yellow wagtails

54.Scarce swift

55.Yellow fronted canary

56.Lizard buzzard

57.Red backed Scrub robbin

58.Willow warbler

59.Yellow billed stork

60.Brimstone canary

61.Yellow throated greenbul

62.Common buzzard

63.White browned robin chat

64.Brown crowned tchagra

65.African pipit (laccum sub species)

66.Yellow wattled lapwing

67.African jacana

68.Blue cheeked bee eater

69.Long toed lapwing

70.Cracking cisticola

71.Diedrick’s cuckoo

72.Cattle egret

73.Fan tailed widow bird

74.White -faced whistling duck

75.Yellow billed duck

76.Speckled pigeon

77.Black crake

78.Malachite kingfisher

79.Blue breasted bee eater

80.Pied kingfisher

81.Common sand piper

82.Klass’ cuckoo

83.Grosbeak weaver

84.African blue fly catcher

85.African paradise fly catcher

86.Slender billed weaver

87.Grey backed camaroptera

88.Black and white shrike fly catcher

89.Palm nut voluture

90.Broad billed roller

91.Pigmy kingfisher

92.Common waxbill

93.white browed cucal

94.Tawny flanked prinia

95.Brown throated wattle eye

96.Woodland kingfisher

97.Papyrus gonolek

98.Great cormorant

99.Northern Brown throated Weaver

100.Purple heron

101.Great egret

102.Grey heron

103.Mash sand piper

104.Ross’ turaco

  1. temminck’s stint

106.Gul billed tarn

107.kittlitz’s plover

108.common winged plover

109.Green shank

110.Black winged tarns

111.Glossy ibis

112.Wood sand piper

113.little stint

114.White winged tarn

115.collared pranticole

116.Open billed stork

117.Angola swallow

118.Blue headed coucal

119.Swamp flycatcher

120.Mash tchagra

121.African green pigeon

122.Yellow breasted apalis

123.Golden breasted bunting

124.Levillian cuckoo


All copyrights, @EBSTOURS&SAFARIS